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Project 4 - Horror Audio

In Project 4, our goal was to learn the importance of audio in horror films. This was a fun way to learn the importance of audio in any film genre. Sound is as important as video or film. Throughout this project, we were going to learn how audio is used in horror films and how we can use it in our future projects, as well as how to create sound effects with a technique called Foley sound. After learning the basics, we were going to use the two scripts that were provided, and we will be able to create an audio short horror story that is going to be targeted at an audience of 9–14 years old.

Task 1 - Producing A Blog

The First Task of this project was to research what ADR, Negative Space In Audio, Diegetic, Non-Deigetic audio and so much more, To see more then check out the blog

Task 2 - Horror Audio Podcast

Horror Podcast
00:00 / 12:05
In this task, we were meant to record a podcast discussing the importance of audio in horror movies. I personally think that the podcast went alright; however, I was going to use the footage we recorded during the podcast, but most of the footage was lost or corrupted. 

I decided to do an mp3 instead, which is a shame, as I wanted to edit the podcast in video format. However, this has taught me and my group to be more organised and to plan ahead. However, I felt like I really enjoyed this task, as I was able to express my feelings and thoughts about the use of audio in horror movies and films.

Next time, I would like to plan the podcast and the kind of questions we are going to ask, as I think I really lacked scripting the podcast and actually having a goal for this podcast.

Task 3 - Foley Sound

With task 3, we were going to learn how Foley sound is created, why it is used, and why it is very important. Then we were going to actually record our own Foley sound and edit it to make it sound more exaggerated and maybe even realistic. Watch the video of me and my group making sounds with different objects.

Before we could get into recording the Foley sounds, I first researched how to use an audio recorder to record sounds; this was a vital stage of learning how to record sound. We then went on to go around college and record various sounds; however, we encountered a big mistake: my groupmate forgot to record most of the audio. We thought that pressing the record button once was the way to record, but we were wrong.

However, this mistake has taught us to make sure that we are actually recording. Overall, I think that this task went pretty well, and I really enjoyed the process. However, there is a lot to learn, such as trying to make the sounds sound more realistic, as I personally thought that some sounds did not sound how I intended to hear them. and I am excited to continue learning about Foley sound and how to use sound to captivate emotion. The sound effects that I was tasked with creating were sounds like slashing, rain, bone snapping, creaking doors, footsteps, stabbing, and breathing.

Task 4 - Audio Horror Story 

Horror Audios

BBC Sounds Intro Audio
00:00 / 03:51
Cemetery Soup
00:00 / 02:22


The Hook




[EARY MUSIC] One summer night, Gabby and Troy went to the movies. [SCARY SCREAM] They then went for a ride in Troy’s car [CAR SOUNDS] and drove out to the edge of town. [CAR DRIVING] They parked the car in a secluded spot that was a well-known Lovers' Lane. [FOOTSTEPS] From there they could see the lights up [Deep Breathing (Foley Sound)] [LIGHT FLICKERING] and down the valley.

As they gazed out at the lights of the town, Troy put his arm around Gabby and switched on the car radio [CAR RADIO SOUND] [Car Moving Seat Sound Effect] so they could listen to some romantic music.  He leaned over and the young couple began kissing and cuddling. Just as they were getting into the mood; the music suddenly stopped, [Creepy Sound AGAIN] and a news-reader's voice came on the radio.  

[STATIC SOUND] `This is an emergency announcement. Earlier tonight, a crazed murderer escaped from the state mental asylum. Police are warning citizens to be on their guard since the patient is considered armed and dangerous. [Riser] The insane killer is nicknamed The Hook Man" [RISER] because, after he lost his right hand in an accident, it was replaced with a steel hook. Everyone in the area should be on the lookout for a man fitting this description. If you see anything suspicious [Another Horror Riser], you should report it to the police immediately.'


Gabby became frightened [Woman Screaming] and asked to put the [Car Window Sound Up] windows up and lock the doors. [CAR LOCK SOUND] “That’s a good idea,” Troy said.


Gabby knew that the state insane asylum was not far from the Lovers' Lane as her dad used to work there.


She was also worried that the remote area where they were parked was the perfect spot for a deranged madman to lurk and had seen enough horror movies to know better.


Troy was feeling brave and assured her that they were perfectly safe. He locked all of the car doors, then tried to kiss her again. Riley became frantic and pushed him away, insisting that they leave immediately.


“Maybe we really should go home,” Riley anxiously said.


“But it’s only ten o’clock,” Troy dismissively mentioned that it was only ten o’clock, but Gabby was aware of the time, she just wanted to leave.


As the couple argued, Troy joked that the man wasn’t going to come all the way out there, why would he?


And if he did how could he get in? the doors and windows are locked.

Unable to persuade a now terrified Gabby to stay, Troy in a huff, [CAR START UP SOUND] started up the car.


It was at this moment when Gabby thought she’d heard someone [DUM SOUND], or something scratching [Scratching Sound] at the side of her door [DUM SOUND],. “Did you hear that?” she asked.


“It sounded like somebody was trying to get in. [DUM SOUND],” “I heard nothing,” said Troy as he slammed the car into gear [Gear Slamming]  and spun [Car Drifting] its wheels as he pulled out of the parking space.


[CAR GRAVEL SOUND] On the way back to town they had both calmed down and had amused each other about how irrational they had both been.


When they pulled up outside Gabby’s house, Troy got out of the car and walked around to open the door for her. For a long time, [RISER] he just stood there, staring at the door, his face as white as a ghost, his expression frozen in fear.


At first, Gabby couldn't figure out what was wrong; [creepy sounds] then she realised that her door was still locked. Although she was still uneasy about earlier, she had assumed Troy was joking and smiled as she unlocked it. Still, he just stood there.


Gabby was puzzled and rolled down her window. Then she saw that Troy was staring down at the door handle. Slowly, she looked down herself and began to scream [SCREAMING SOUND] uncontrollably. There, hanging from the door handle, was a bloody, stainless-steel hook.


The killer had almost claimed his newest victims. [BBC OUTRO SOUND]

Cemetery Soup



[MUSIC STARTS] On his way home from the market, a man took a short cut through the cemetery. [LEAVES FALLING SOUND] The autumn leaves were falling from the trees and crunched [LEAF CRUNCHING SOUND] beneath his feet as he walked. As he continued his journey, he noticed, by a gravestone, a big bone, sticking up out of the ground. He picked it up and looked it over carefully.

"This will make a very good soup bone," he said. "I think I'll take it home. It's perfect weather for hot soup." When he got home, the first thing he did was start the soup. [SIZZILING SOUND]

Into the big soup pot went water , [POURING WATER SOUND] carrots, [WATER SPLASH SOUND]  green beans, [WATER SPLASH SOUND]   corn, [WATER SPLASH SOUND]  barley, [WATER SPLASH SOUND]   onions, [WATER SPLASH SOUND]   potatoes, [WATER SPLASH SOUND]   a snitch of beef, some salt and pepper, and--the bone [WATER SPLASH SOUND]. He brought it all to a boil, then brought it down to a simmer.

"Yum!" he said, sniffing it [SIZZILING SOUND] and tasting it. "I can hardly wait till supper." Suddenly he heard a small voice. "Please give me back my bone." The man paid no attention.

Soon he heard the voice again [CREEPY SOUND]. "May I have back my bone, please?" [NEWSPAPER SOUND EFFECT]. The man was reading the newspaper, and again he didn't take any notice.

In a little while, the voice spoke up once more. It was beginning to sound angry. "Give me back my bone!" The man kept on reading the paper. "Some people are too impatient," he muttered. Once more the voice spoke. Now it sounded very angry, and it was so loud that the whole house shook. [CREEPY SOUND]. "I WANT MY BONE BACK!"

The man reached into the pot, grabbed the bone, and threw it out the window. In a voice just as loud, he shouted,


There was an eerie silence. Then the man heard footsteps [FOOTSTEPS SOUND].

scurrying away from the house down the road toward the cemetery, the gates creaked as they opened. And he got up and served himself some soup.




Evidence (Cemetery Soup]


Evidence (The Hook]



I was given the assignment to find someone who was ready to provide me with feedback after producing two horror audio stories. My goal was to use the comments to improve several projects in the future. Andrei's feedback in my opinion, was quite helpful since it allowed me to make notes about how to improve these scary audios going forward. I discovered from the feedback that I was changing things irrationally resulting in it appearing forced and pointless.


In this task, I was assigned a task to create an audio horror story that is targeted at an audience of 9–14-year old children. I was given two scripts to choose from, and used them two to create audio horror stories for a new web based programme on BBC Sounds. 

The first thing that I made sure to do was start my pre-production stage, which consisted of me showing the evidence of me using the sound effects and whereabouts in the story they are used. I have made sure to read through both scripts, "The Hook" and "Cemetery," and analyse where I could add sound effects or music to make this story feel more immersive. I personally preferred to add sound effects to my Premiere Pro project and then add brackets where the sound effects are heard.

This was really a lifesaver for me, as it helped get all of my ideas out onto the project and then finalise it. However, my way of doing it can be really hard for other people, as some people prefer to plan ahead and be more concise on where the sound effects should be included, but my preference was to add the sound effects first and then write down where the sound effects are present in the scripts.

To keep me organized, I created a resource asset list, which would help me source what sound effects, I have used. This was really important, as the project brief specified that we needed to show that we know how to source different work and make sure that I credit the original creator of these sound effects.

I went on to create an edit of the two horror audio stories that I had chosen. I first tasked myself with going and listening to the horror story while following along with the scripts provided. This helped me stay focused on editing. After listening to both of the horror audio sounds, I have made sure to find sound effects that will help build immersion in the story and make it feel like you are there and that you are experiencing it. I forgot to say that I have been provided with the BBC sounds Intro and Outro, which we had to use. Although this made the horror audio stories sound more professional, I wanted to add my own intro and an outro after the BBC sounds intro and outro.

While editing, I haven't really encountered any problems. Which was great; however, I believe that I could have completed this a lot faster, as I was getting overwhelmed with all the work that we needed to complete. After finishing both of my horror audio stories, I made sure to export them in audio format (MP3), as that was part of the project brief. Next time, I will make sure to take some more time to actually create an MP4 visualizer, which could make the entire story more immersive.

I was lucky to get really good feedback from my peers. The feedback that they have provided was really good and, overall, helped me get an understanding of how I can become better at editing audio.
Overall, I believe that creating this audio horror story was a really good experience, as I was able to learn many things about how the industry works and why it is important. In the future, I would like to create an MP4 visualizer with some more immersion in the story. This can be done by using Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop to create the illustrations.

Asset List

Car Starting Sound:
Creepy Echo Sound:
Car Driving Gravel Sound:
Breathing: My Own Foley Sound
Light Flicker Sound:
Car Stero Sound Effect:
Car Seat Audio:
Kissing Sound Effects:
2nd Music:
Suspense Riser:
Fast Male Breathing:
Horror Violin:
Door Lock:
Woman Screeming:
Car Window:
3rd Music:
Car Starting:
Car Scratching:

Tree Sounds:
Crunch SOund:
Water Pouring Into Pan:
Water Splashing Sound:
Shacking Salt:
News Paper Sound Effect:
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