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Project 3 - Contextual Awareness 

In this project, the aim of contextual awareness in media is to ensure that the content being created and consumed considers the relevant context in which it exists. By taking into account factors such as time, place, culture, history, and perspectives, contextual awareness helps to provide a better understanding of information with accuracy, depth, and balance.

Task 1 And Task 2

What is audience profiling?
Audience profiling is where you analyse and segmenting audiences based on their behaviours.
With audience profiling, you can lead to really successful marketing, as you will be able to use the specific behaviors which can help with having a brief understanding of how to create a product that will suit the audience. With the information they get they can then use it to target a specific market and potentially capitalize on it.  
What is audience demographics?
Audience demographics is where media producers define and they categorise their audience through demographic profiles. They do this by collecting information like your age, wealth, habits, education and occupation. 

Star Wars


To give you a bit of context, this is a movie poster for a movie called "Star Wars." The genre of this movie is sci-fi, and it is made for a teenage audience. In my opinion, the targeted audience of the movie is any age that is interested in space and SC-FI, because looking at the movie poster, we can see a lot of SC-FI effects and glows that would be used in a SC-FI movie. The dialogue in this movie poster, "The Force Awakens," could be classified as SC-FI dialogue. The colour scheme can also tell lots about what genre the movie can be in, so in this example, we can see Orange and Cyan coulers present in the movie poster.

Call Of Duty


Call Of Duty is a FPS game which is mainly created for mature audiences. It is important to also note, that the Call Of Duty series has different games with different story plots, For this example i used a game cover for one of the first ever Call Of Duty games ever created, Which is about a battle in World War 2. The couler scheme for this kind of game cover, would mostly be gritty and realistic coulers which are intended to make the game feel real. Overall this game/game cover is intended and advertised for a broad audience that enjoys FPS/War Games, However it is also good to note that his game is mainly played by adults as the game can also have really violent language, Gorey content, shooting and so much more. Understanding the audience of this game, will be really beneficial for advertisers, and even the audience it's self.

Rolex (Advert)


Rolex, is a known timepiece manufacture that creates really luxurious watches for any genders to wear. The intended audience for this advertisement/company is for mature and a wealthy/entrepreneurial audience that are seeking to get something professional and luxurious to potentially boost their status. With the typography of the advertisements they use, They typically use elegant, gentle typography to make it feel luxurious, this can help with sales and overall gathering a bigger audience. The overall theme for this advertisement is mainly elegant, fancy and even professional.
Sources: Media-Studies (2022) Demographics definition and examples: Audience theory, Media Studies. Available at: (Accessed: 17 January 2024).

Task 3

Codes and conventions in media are like the "rules" or patterns that creators follow when making movies, TV shows, books, or other forms of media. These rules help them communicate their ideas effectively to the audience.

Here are some examples of codes and conventions:

1. Visual Code
2. Audio Code
3. Narrative Code
4. Symbolic Code
5. Technical Code
Here are my codes and conventions table that i have created in PowerPoint.

And these are the products that i have created this table:

Star War (SC-FI Movie)
Call Of Duty (FPS Game)
Rolex (Advert)
Star Wars
Call Of Duty
Sources: Young, R. (2018) Media Codes and conventions, Medium. Available at: (Accessed: 17 January 2024).

Task 4

For this task, i was meant to create 3 info-graphics about the reception theory, hypodermic theory and Uses and gratifications theory. I have made sure to create these post as high quality as i can to explain each of the theories.
The first theory is Hypodermic/Needle theory:
Hypothermic Theory Poster.png
Uses And Gratifications Theory
Poster 2.jpg
Reception Theory
Poster 6.png
Source: John Robinson's PowerPoints

Media Research Article 

Media Research


Focus Groups


With focus groups, you can collect very good qualitative data, which is used to go in-depth into the audience's opinions and beliefs towards a media product or campaign.


Also, focus groups allow you to collect lots of complex data and topics, which are harder to collect otherwise. It makes the process a lot easier, and you can interact with the participants.


Focus groups can be effective and low-cost and make it easier to collect data without having many problems. This saves lots of time. It is a lot better than doing face-to-face interviews.



However, focus groups typically involve a small number of participants, and it is often around 6 to 12 people that participate. While they provide qualitative results, But that is just a few people's opinions and everybody's.


When participating in a focus group, individuals may feel pressure to conform to social norms or provide socially acceptable responses. This can lead to social bias, where participants alter their answers to align with what they perceive as the group’s expectations or what they believe is appropriate. Also, they could produce random onions that they might not believe.


Focus groups have a set time, usually lasting between one and two hours. This limited time may not allow participants to go in-depth into complex topics or express their thoughts in-depth. Some participants may feel rushed or unable to articulate their perspectives fully, potentially leading to undone or superficial insights.




Quantitative data is usually from questionnaires, and it is frequently produced, which enables analysis and numerical results. This makes it possible for researchers to spot patterns, trends, and correlations in the data that has been collected. Questionnaires are very helpful when collecting quantitative data, as they are statistical and can offer you insightful information about the correlations between variables.


The accessibility of questionnaires in the production of media is one of their key benefits. Questionnaires remove geographical and physical restrictions by making them more accessible to participants from everywhere at any time, making it easier for people to participate regardless of their location or time zone.


The simplified data analysis process is one of the major benefits of using questionnaires in media production. Because questionnaires are organised, it is simple to compile, organise, and statistically analyse the results, providing decision-makers in the media with useful information.




Low response rates are a big drawback of questionnaires, despite their accessibility and simplicity. Despite the earlier discussion of the possibility of increased response rates, several variables might lead to poor participation, which can affect the accuracy and generalisation of the data gathered in media production.


Respondent fatigue has become more prevalent at a time when people are constantly being pestered with surveys and information requests. Due to survey saturation, people may feel overburdened or simply uninterested in participating. As people choose to ignore or reject survey invitations, this tiredness may lead to reduced response rates.


Another reason is response bias. The participants can choose the most followed opinion, which can lead them to submit a biased response or result. This kind of information can be found to be useless. But there are lots of techniques that can be used to improve the results by designing the questionnaire to sound and feel natural, so the participant doesn’t feel any offence towards them.


Face-to-face interviews




Face-to-face interviews can help us get an accurate screening, which means that it is unlikely that they will provide false information such as gender, age, or race. However, there is a way of doing this online and through mobile surveys, but the problem is that it could lead them to provide false information.

Interviews can also lead to high focus from the participant, which means no distractions from technology, which means that we can get as much information as possible. This is better than doing online interviews, as there is a higher chance of the participants getting distracted, which can lead to a lack of information.


Furthermore, face-to-face interviews can easily capture body language and behaviours, but in online interviews, you might not be able to capture raw body language and behaviours. This isn’t good if you weren’t going to get body language results, but it can be great to get as much information as possible.




However, cost is a major disadvantage for face-to-face interviews; they require you to hire staff and purchase equipment that will be used to record the interview. You can also carry out the interview by yourself; however, it is recommended to have staff do it as well as you, as it will bring more results faster.


Also, if the interview is administered on paper, the data that has been collected will need to be entered manually or scanned. This can lead to the cost of the project being really high. Not just that, you will have to hire data entry staff to organise everything for you. As we know, you can always do it yourself; however, this can be bad as it can cost you lots of time that could have been used to improve the data.


The quality of data collected by the interviewer can be a major factor when it comes to a face-to-face interview. Some interviewers might have the natural ability to collect very good results from participants.


Cold calling (opinion websites like YouGov)




With cold calling, you can reach new customers. With cold calling, you are able to convince a person to give opinions about a person or a topic, which means you are looking out for people by collecting their phone numbers, which can be collected manually or automated. However, I can take some persuasion and have a good sales pitch that can help you gather as much information as possible.


With cold calling, you can also learn a new skill called sales. This will be great in the future if you want to sell information and convince the person you are calling to take it with respect. This skillset is great if you want to improve communicating with people, which overall can help you improve cold calling results.


Cold calling can also bring results that can be used on opinion sites like “YouGov”. This kind of information can be displayed publicly, which makes it easier for other people to collect data using secondary research methods.




Cold calling can make it annoying for some people; it can make your phone calls sound like you are trying to scam them, which isn’t great. Some people can also make it, so they will ignore your proposition and, overall, ignore you. Since these calls are not scheduled, it can make you call somebody at the wrong time, which can lead to you losing trust.


Also, cold calling can be hard to get anybody to agree with you; most calls every day get rejected or not answered, which can make it less effective than using different research methods. It is vital that you master the skill of cold calling to make it easier for you to collect data.


Overall, these research methods are used in different situations. It is great to try all of them regardless of the disadvantages. Sometimes it is hard to find the right research method, and that’s why you should try as many of them as possible.

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