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2 Most Important Research Methods! TASK 1.2

Updated: Nov 30, 2023

Primary Research

Primary research is where you directly collect data without using existing data. This method is great for manual data collection or just collecting unique data that is different from what other existing data does. Primary research allows people to safely control the data, which ensures great and reliable results. However, primary research can have some challenges that we can face in the research stage. This research method can be time-consuming, and it can cost lots of money to achieve. Here are some examples of primary research: 1. Survey's

2. Face To Face Interviews

3. Observations

4. Experiments

Overall, this research method is great to use, and it would be great to include it in your research. However, this research method is not required by any means.

Secondary Research

Secondary research is where you collect existing data that somebody else has made or collected. This research method is used the most and is the easiest to execute. This process is less time-consuming than primary research, and it is also cost-effective, which is great for a faster and less expensive way of researching. However, secondary research can lead to biased data and results, which can lead to inaccurate results or data. Here are some examples of secondary research: 1. Journals

2. Books

3. Government Reports

4. Online Databases

To summarise secondary research, it is a great way of researching and is used the most, as it is really easy to use and is really cost-effective. However, both primary and secondary research methods are really important to use. It is great to use both to get better results.

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